Sunday, March 11, 2007


there're times while drawing where you realize your brain is gone, it's past midnight, and you still don't know what you're trying to draw.



Wednesday, March 07, 2007

MS Paint time!

spent two hours in MS Paint yesterday. Yeah, this is how badly I need Photoshop.

does this mean I'll be posting often? prob'ly not XB But I felt like drawing Dizzy and figured if I spent so long on it I might as well post it, right? :O!

Please fullview.

Dizzy (c) Sammy/Arcsoft

Sunday, March 04, 2007


despite all the other fanart I do, Devil May Cry always seems to be the series I fall back to when I need to do an ugly doodle :/! In many ways I think this might be too similiar a drawing to my last post, but *shrug* I LURB DANTE ♥

I really need to get photoshop back, it made my art look magically acceptable :'(
