Sunday, October 30, 2005

いさむ にった

My brother really liked it. I didn't like how 'unlike my style' it looked in the end. But Isamu ((c) ATLUS) ; ; I love that kid, I wanna do a better one. Bic pen, sharpie, sakura white paint pen and photoshop for the tone effects.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

entry number two

that's right! it's entry number two! niban! numero dos! In other words, I've found a use for this journal. From this day forward (remember it well), this will be my (meggie's) sketch blog. When you think about it, my livejournal already serves this purpose, but I think blogspot lends itself to image-posting well, so we'll see. Besides, this works as a good replacement for my site, which was going to be a sketch diary anyway.

The main issue I face keepin' this puppy up will be finding the time to scan and update, but wish me luck!

p.s.- consider the (old) doodle to the right my first real drawing here. Characters are Lady and Dante from DMC3, this was a brainfart I did for my nonexistant website.